Tuesday 18 December 2012

Kleene's second recursion theorem

You will need to know the basics of partial recursive functions for this one, but believe me, it's worth the effort. If \( e \) is a number, we use the standard notation \( \{e\} \) for the partial function whose code is \( e \). The theorem says the following:

Theorem A. For any total computable function \( F \) there exist an \( e \) such that \( \{ e \} \simeq \{ F e \} \).

Just think about it. \( F \) can be any total computable function! Take \( F(x) = x+1 \), for instance. That's certainly computable. The theorem says that there exists two successive natural numbers \( e \) and \( e + 1 \) that code the same function, i.e. \( \{e\} \simeq \{ e+1 \} \) . Isn't that just amazing?

The crucial idea of the proof is self-application, i.e. the fact that we can apply a function to its own code as \( \{e\}(e) \). Moreover, that this self-application is itself computable, i.e. there is a computable function \( h \) such that \( \{ h(e) \} \simeq \{ \{e\}(e) \} \). 
The proof of the theorem goes as follows:

(1) Assume a total computable function \( F \) is given.
(2) For any \( x \) let \( h (x) \) be a code such that \( \{ h(x) \} \simeq \{ \{x\}(x) \} \). Such total and computable function \( h \) exists.
(3) Let \( k \) be such that \( \{k\}(x) \simeq F(h(x)) \). Such \( k \) exists because both \( F \) and \( h \) are computable.
(4) We claim that \( e = h(k) \) does the job!
(5) By (2) and (4) we have \( \{e\}(x) \simeq \{h(k)\}(x) \simeq \{\{k\}(k)\}(x) \).
(6) But by (3) we also have \( \{\{k\}(k)\}(x) \simeq \{F(h(k)\}(x) \simeq \{F(e)\}(x) \), so we are done.

An absolute gem, don't you think!?

If you also know about the lambda calculus, you can have the following variant of the theorem:

Theorem B. For any lambda term \( t \) there exist a lambda term \( s \) such that \( t s = s \).

So, this essentially says that any lambda term has a fixed point!

The proof of this variant follows the structure of the original proof:

(1) Let a lambda term \( t \) be given.
(2) Let \( h = \lambda x . x x \).
(3) Let \( k = \lambda x . t(h(x)) \). 
(4) We claim that \( s = h(k) \) does the job.
(5) By (2) and (4) we have \( s = h(k) = k k \).
(6) But by (3) we also have \( k k = t(h(k)) = t s \), so we are done.

Note that \( k = \lambda x . t ( x x ) \). Hence \( s = k k = ( \lambda x . t ( x x ) ) ( \lambda x . t ( x x ) )    \) 

Therefore, the combination of \( h \) and \( k \) namely 
\[ \phi(f) = ( \lambda x . f ( x x ) ) ( \lambda x . f ( x x ) )  \]
in fact gives a fixed point operator: a functional \( \phi \) that calculates the fixed point of any given function \( f \).


J said...

Wikipedia says that Jan Willem Klop constructed the fixed point combinator LLL...L (26 times) where L := λabcdefghijklmnopqstuvwxyzr.(r(this is a fixed point combinator)).

radha said...
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